Native Harvest Sweet Grass Jewelry
Native Harvest Sweet Grass Jewelry
This holiday season, give a meaningful, uplifting gift to your loved ones. Our Sweet Grass jewelry is hand made with care by White Earth tribal members. Did you know that our Sweet Grass earrings are made with real Sweet Grass? Sweet grass is traditionally used to make jewelry, baskets, and added to regalia. It is one of the four sacred medicines of our people.Each of the four medicines is associated with the 4 cardinal directions. Tobacco, Sage, Cedar, and Sweet Grass are used for ceremony, cleansing, and purification. Sweet grass has been used by people across the world, and it is widely known to be a medicine of protection, cleansing, and well-being across cultures.
The most common way it is used is in a smudge. Someone carrying the medicine will light the Sweet Grass braid and fan it with their hand or a feather. As it smolders, the smoke cleanses and purifies the space, objects, and people around it. An abalone shell is often used underneath to catch any smoldering ashes that fall.
Our people believe Sweet Grass is the hair of mother earth. Some say that the Sweet Grass braid represents strength in unity, and it reminds us that we are stronger when we work together. Each section of the braid also represents a harmonious connection of the Spirit, mind, and body.
There are different species of Sweet Grass across North America. Hierochloe odorata, Torresia odorata, and Hierochloe occedentalis are the varieties of Sweet Grass you might find across the United States. Sweet Grass has a sweet, soothing, vanilla-like, long-lasting aroma. Some people refer to Sweet Grass as Vanilla Grass or Buffalo Grass.
Sweet Grass should never be pulled from the earth by the roots. It mostly reproduces through rhizomes, growing slowly to form a patch. If the plant is pulled by the roots, it decreases the likelihood that it will continue to grow in that location.
We you are proud to share this uplifting tradition with you! Wishing you all a very Happy Holiday Season!