Ojibwe Ricing Vocabulary

Ojibwe Ricing Vocabulary

These are common words spoken when our anishinaabe-manoomin (wild rice) is being hand harvested! 

harvesting the Wild Rice

anishinaabe-manoomin- wild rice


ashki-manoomin- unparched harvested wild rice


aaba'oodoo- s/he unties wild rice


aawajimine- s/he hauls wild rice


bawa'am- s/he knocks wild rice


(derived noun) bawa'amowin- a load of rice

bawa'an- knock it (with something)

harvest it [wild rice] (with rice knockers)


See also: bawa'am

bawa'igan- something knocked off or used to knock something off

bawa'iganaak- a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks


See also: bawa'iganaak

bawa'iganaak- a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks

 Harvesting Wild Rice

See also: bawa'iganaak ; bawa'iganaatig

Bawishkam- s/he threshes wild rice


Bawishkamookizin- a mocassin for treading wild rice

 moccasin for treading the wild rice

biisi-manoomin- fine wild rice


bootaagan- a mortar for wild rice


See also: bootaagan

Bootaaganaak-  a pestle


Bootaaganike- s/he makes a mortar for rice


Bootaagaadan- stamp it in a mortar


Bootaage- s/he stamps things in a mortar (e.g., wild rice)


(applicative) bootaagaadan- stamp it in a mortar

(derived noun) bootaagan- a mortar for wild rice

(verb of making) bootaaganike- s/he makes a mortar for rice

Dakobijigan- tied wild rice


gaandakii'amaw- pole (it) for h/


gaandakii'an- pole it


(detransitive) gaandakii'ige- s/he poles a boat

(benefactive) gaandakii'amaw- pole (it) for h/

gaandakii'igan- a push pole

gaandakii'iganaak- a push pole


See also: gaandakii'iganaak

gaandakii'iganaak- a push pole


See also: gaandakii'igan

gaandakii'ige- s/he poles a boat

 Parching the Wild Rice

gaapizan- roast it (until dry and crisp), parch it [wild rice]


(detransitive) gaapizige- s/he roasts things (until dry and crisp), parches wild rice (verb of undergoing) gaapizigaade- it is roasted (until dry and crisp) (by someone), parched (derived noun) gaapizigan ni popped wild rice

Gaapizigewabwiins- a stirring paddle for wild rice parching


Gaapizigewinaagan- a wild rice parching tray


Gidasan- roast it to remove something, parch it [wild rice]


(benefactive) gidasamaw- parch (it) for h/

(detransitive) gidasige- s/he roast things (to remove something), parches wild rice

(verb of undergoing) gidasigaade- it is roasted (to remove something), is parched [of wild rice]

(derived noun) gidasigan- parched wild rice

Giishkashkimod- a cedar bark bag


makade-manoomin- black wild rice


manoomin- wild rice [northern wild rice; Zizania palustris]


(verb of abundance) manoominikaa-there is (a lot of) wild rice

(verb of making) manoominike- s/he rices, goes ricing, makes rice, picks rice, harvests wild rice

Manoominaganzh-a wild rice stalk


Manoominagaawanzh- a wild rice plant


Manoominashk- a wild rice stalk


Manoominaaboo- wild rice broth


manoomini-manidoosh- a wild rice bug


manoomini-mashkimod-  a rice bag


manoominike-giizis- the moon of ricing occuring in August or September


See also: manoominikewi-giizis

manoominike-mazina'igaans- a ricing license


manoominikewi-giizis- the moon of ricing occuring in August or September


See also: manoominike-giizis

Manoominikewin- ricing, harvesting wild rice


Manoominiwazh- a rice bag


Mimigoshkam- s/he threshes, jigs something (e.g., wild rice)


Mimigoshkamwaagan- a barrel or tub used in threshing wild rice


Mimigoshkan- thresh, jig it [wild rice]


Nooshkaachinaagan- a winnowing tray, a winnowing basket


Okaadakik- a large kettle or cauldon with small legs: a treaty kettle


oshki-manoomin- fresh wild rice

Fresh Wild Rice


oshki-manoominike- s/he rices for first time in season


ozhaawashko-manoomin- green wild rice


(Vocabulary is from the Ojibwe People’s Dictionary)

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