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Asasaweminagaawanzh (Chokecherries)
At White Earth Indian Reservation, chokecherries have been a part of our diet as long as we have inhabited the land. This unique fruit can be eaten fresh or cooked, but...
The Seven Fires Prophecy and Wild Rice Continued... (part 2 of 3)
The prophecies not only told of our chosen lands and sacred food, Manoomin, the prophecies predicted contact with the Europeans and other events that have occurred or will occur in the future. According to the The Mishomis Book:
Skillet Berry Cobbler with Native Harvest Fruit Spread- ENJOY
This versatile and delicious Berry Cobbler recipe will leave you and your guests wanting more!
The History of the Sugar Bush
Native Harvest Maple Syrup is hand harvested by the people of White Earth. Making maple syrup is an ancient tradition of our people. It was the native people who showed the colonists how to make maple sugar and maple syrup; one of the many skills that enabled the settlers to survive. Each spring, during Moon of the Boiling Sap, known as Iskigamizige-giizis in the Ojibwe languge, Ojibwe families would return to the same stand of maple trees where they had established sugar bush camps. Some sugar camps have been in the same family for many generations. The right time...
Moon of the Boiling Sap
At White Earth, one of the most important “thanksgiving” ceremonies takes place when the sap flows freely as the days become warm and sunny and the nights are still freezing